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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Music Matter : Episode 7 (Back From Break!)

1st of all, maaf sebab dah hampir 3 minggu xupdate blog nih!
sangat-sangat sibuk tambahan pula laptop rosak..
dah tiga minggu jugak ak xbalik umah..
so, sebab mende2 gini lah ak xdpt nk update blog..
maaf ye!!

as a return, selama 3 minggu ak xupdate blog,
sedaya upaya mengumpul banyak bahan ntok ak share dalam blog nih!
senang cite the past 3 weeks somehow so many things happened,
and id like to share,
because thats all my blog had to do,


the first thing that id like to share is again, FORUM!
haha, mesti bosan kan sebab asyik pasal forum jek?
ok ni last, sebab video yg ak nk share nih special sikit..
dlm video nih ak yg perform! haha..
ni forum aku la kirenye.. i was playing drums if u guys cant see me in the video.. haha..

okay, dah, noob kan ak main??
haha, lantak lah.. yg penting lulus okay!!

The second thing which i guess were the main topic in this post is about
my CONDUCTING class..
okay this is something new for u guys aite?
okay now let me start..

CONDUCTING, korg tau x amende tuh?
ok kalo korg perasan, dalam orkestra ataupon group choir,
kan ade someone yg berdiri kat depan then die gerak2 tangan die..haha..
org tu dipanggil conductor.. xtau yg mane??
hadoiyai.. yang ni hah...

haaa,, nampak muke die?? tu la konduktor..
die yg pimpin orkestra tuh..
lecturer ak slalu ckp,

"an orchestra is an expression of its conductor..."

so basically objektif kelas conducting ni ialah ntok mengajar kitorang,
cara2 menjadi seorang conductor..
bukan sebarang movement yg conductor tu buat kat depan..
every gesture and posture will affect the sound produced by the orchestra..

sorry, dlm blog ni ak xdpt la nk ajar cmne nk conduct ataupon nk xplain satu2,
ap yg conductor tu buat,
itll be too complicated to be explained in a blog n for sure,
xde sape yg suke bace blog yg complicated... so ill make it simple lah..

okay setelah kitorang blaja care2 nk conduct sume,
hand signals, posture and whatsoever, kitorang kene get ready ntok xm..
the exam goes like this..

we were told to arrange or find a piece, that will be played
by a woodwind or string ensemble or sang by choir..
maknenye kitorang boleh pilih la, nk conduct grup koir, strings ataupun woodwind..
mcm ak, ak pilih strings sbb i guess senang nk cari player.. hehe

okay, ak pilih lagu SIMPLE PLAN, Untitled..
lagu tu senang nk conduct.. pastu ak arrange lah balik..
then ak cari player, sape yg nak main ntok exam ak nnt..

okay mesti korg bosan bace sbb tade gamba, so, nah,
a few picture during our practice..




THE PLAYERS (strings)


okay? enjoyed the pictures??
so i guess thats all i can share about conducting..
malangnye, mase exam tu terlupa nk record, so, xdptla korg nk tgk ak exam..
xpela, yg mane ade jela ye??

okay thats all for now, dont forget to come back later okay!
ive got an interesting story to share..
last friday, i went to Johor Bharu,
to TEACH caklempong(traditional music)
to school students there..
wanna know which school?
wanna know what i thought them?
wanna know everythin??
come back later in the next episode okay??


Wednesday, March 16, 2011



  1. Laptop kesayangan saya rosak teruk sehingga xboleh nk on pon..isk..
  2. Saya sedang tidak sihat akibat kemalangan motor yang meragut rumput tempoh hari.
  3. Tidak boleh balik hujung minngu ini kerana ada MODUL Uitm, so tanpa internet berkelajuan tinggi, nk update blog pon susah..

Friday, March 11, 2011

Music Matter : Episode 6

1st thing first, i did once promised in my entry Music Matter : Episode 4 that ill upload
a video of performance during Forum Class..
so, here they are!!
here i manage to get 2 videos of my friends forum performance..
both was modern performance..

the first video is my friend Shammir on Clarinet..
its quite a big ensemble arranged by Shammir @ Goree himself..
but the sound is so balanced and full.. very entertaining!!

and the second video feat my friend Nazlee on Modern Guitar..
its only a four piece band..
but still the sound produced seems to be very "gigantic"..
thats the power of music arrangement..
click the link below to enjoy!

okay? dah tengok? enjoy? xenjoy? lantak lah.. haha..
now, back to bussiness!


in the last entry ive mentioned to talk about my
Malaysian Music class in this 6th episode of music matter..


secara amnya, kelas ni kelas yg mengajar tentang muzik2 daripada malaysia..
the original music from malaysia
music that is closely related to malaysian culture...

ok dalam kelas ni, setiap semester, kitorang akan blaja satu jenis @ genre muzik traditional..
sekarang ak dah semester 4.. maknenye dah 4 jenis muzik yg ak blaja..

Sem 1 ; Caklempong
Sem 2 ; Gamelan
Sem 3 ; Muzik Asli
Sem 4 ; Keroncong

since yg ak tengah blaja sekarang adelah keroncong, ak akan lebih fokus
bercerita pasal keroncong lah..
kelas ni boleh kata agak senang tapi memerlukan practice yang constant...

the class goes this way;

kelas punye period 2 jam.. dalam kelas, kitorang akan blaja cara2 nk main
instrumen tertentu mengikut genre tertentu..
contohnya dlm keroncong, instrumen yg diperlukan is basically
violin/flute/viola, cak&cuk, cello, double bass, guitar dan vocal..

so nanti kitorang akan dbahagikan kpd group2 @ band ntok exam purpose..
sambil ktorang blaja cara nk main instrumen2 tuh, kitorang akan blaja beberapa lagu ntok perform time exam nanti..
yup, exam die, kene perform!
macam forum gak, cuma yg ni die evaluate secara berkumpulan..
erm, jap2, ni hah ak nk share sket gamba2 yg ak amek mase klas traditional tadi...


# ni lah violin.. biasenye die main intro/outro melody pastuh fill2 sket mase tengah nyanyi.. kalo xde violin boleh ganti ngan viola or flute.. konsep sama jek..

Artis = Mohd Hazlie


# okay bende nih biasenye berkembar ngan satu lagi instrumen bernama 'CUK', tapi xsempat nk amek gamba la tadi.. cuk tu pon rupe die lebih kurang ngan cak jugak.. bende alah ni bperanan penting dalam tempo keroncong..


#double bass.. bende ni sebenarya lebih kurang dengan Electric Bass.. Tuning pon same.. cume takde fret, pastu teknik main pon lain.. biasenye bende ni dimainkan gune "BOW" ... ala, bende yg gesek2 macam kat violin tuh.. tapi dlm keroncong, just petik gune jari aje.. Gune jari pon boleh!! =p


# mende alah cello nih akan main something yg macam pelik2 tapi sedap.. ak pon xtau nk panggil ap.. bende ni pon lebih kurang macam double bass, ade BOW gak, tapi dalam keroncong, Guna Jari Pon Boleh Bha Kalau Kao!!

dah, stakat nih tu jek yg mampu ak capture.. instrumen lain (gitar &Vocal) dah biasa..
perhaps sume org da tau.. so mcm xperlu la nk post..
erm, and the last pic id like to share is the pic of us during the class..
gini lah kitorang semasa kelas!!

tapi ni just roughly la.. cool kan kelas kitorang?? hehe..
lain kali kalo ak rajin ak snap lagi pic ye?
i guess thats all for now..

aaaa?? korg nk dengar kitorang main keroncong ke??
i do have the video but i think ill upload it in the next episode..
wanna see?? check in again later!!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Music Matter : Episode 5

guys, girls, gays, before i start on the fifth episode of the music learning,
id like to promote my Project Band page..
maybe ade yg tau kot pasal Homework...
tapi rasenye ak sorg jek pon yg tau.. =p
ianya bukanlah sebuah band, just a platform ntok ak
upload lagu2 ak or cover or whatsoever music project yg ak buat lah..
saje nk share..
so kalo korg bosan2, atau rajin2, lawatlah page Homework nih..
Just Click The Link Below;

terimakasih! now carry on with the fifth episode!!



so this entry i guess will be a short one..
but its okay since ive planned to explain about my
class.. and theres not much to say bout this class because it mainly
involve audio material for learning.. and "sound" is hard to be explained in "words"..
while im learning about music notation in the music theory class,
i need to know how does the notation sound when is played as well..
in easy term, we can say that music theory is the "theory",
and aural skills is the "practical"..

what we all learn in music theory will be applied in the aural skills class..
in theory its all on paper, but in aural its all about listening..

the exam?
okay, im gonna use simple example here..
i guess everyone knew the song "mary had a little lamb" ??
not sure??
erm, this song lah..

haha, recorded this in keyboard skills class!
mmg noob okay, im not a pianist, im a percussionist! (*tp main percussion pon hancor gak!)

okay now u've heard the song,
ill tell u how the exam goes..

the lecturer will first play the song,
then we have to notate down the song..
the lecturer will repeat for several time..
then its up to us weather we can detect the notes or not..
kalo xdapat tu mmg menangis lah kan!!

so the final answer will be like this, exactly like this,

so? understood? ke xpaham lagi?
the conclusion of this class is simple;

we have to notate whatever the lecturer plays!

class ni memang menguji kesabaran betul..
but alhamdulillah, until this fourth semester of taking this class,
ive never failed.. hope to keep it up because my grades seems to be falling quite rapidly..

okay thats all about aural class, actually banyak lagi kalo nk cite,
but i think this was enough..
for the next episode, im planning to tell u guys about the

heeeeeee.. malaysian music? wtf??
wanna know? check in again to this blog later! =p

Friday, March 4, 2011

Music Matter : Episode 4

okay sebelum start episod 4, ni ha nk bagi korg tgk sket suasana semasa kelas FORUM
yg diceritakan dalam episod lepas.. so korg boleh tgk kwn2 aku perform.. tapi gambar jela, video xdapt ah.. haha..lain kali la video ye?kat sini ade gamba perform piano, classical guitar, clarinet and macam2 lagi! so.. enjoy!!

just click the image to enlarge.. =)

sori la xbanyak gamba sbb xramai yg perform hari tu.. so yg mane ade jela ye! =)


dalam episod lepas (poyo) ak byk cakap pasal piece kan.. sebenarnye sebelom ak
reti bace piece ak tuh, ak kene blaja bende paling penting dalam MUSIC LEARNING nih..
the thing is;

errrr... okay.. teori muzik.. direct translate.. haha.. xdela..
okay, MUSIC THEORY ni diajar dalam kelas yg ber'period' satu jam! 2 kali seminggu.. tu jek..
basically music theory ni kelas yg ajar kitorang baca music notation lah..
xtau music notation tu ape?? ala, yg mende mcm tauge tuh..

sebenarnya, ia xdipanggil tauge.. haha..
there's so many things ive learned about music notation, and still there's so many left that i havent learn!
erm, let me share something basic with u, erm, the real names of the so called "tauge"!! haha!




dah2.. tu jek yg basic2.. sangat basic.. senang cite, kitorang blaja music notation ni macam
blaja nk baca n tulis satu bahasa baru.. huhu.. dammit! susah dow.. hehe..

tapi bile dah blaja, rasa seronok pulak.. sbb boleh bace something yg dulu ak tgk rase bengang
n ak kutuk2.. ak cakap, nape xbeli jek buku CHORD gita yg rm5 kat kedai tuh? nape nk susah2 bace notation yg memeningkan nih??

haha.. skrg ak tau dah, ap fungsi notation nih.. ap effect die terhadap music.. and ape effect
die terhadap pendengar... n ap effect die terhadap musician tu sndiri..

okay conclusion nye, setelah blaja dalam kelas MUSIC THEORY nih, ak da tau cmne
nk bace n tulis music notation.. and even boleh mainkan ap yg ter'notate' dalam
piece tuh..

bcakap tentang menulis music notation nih, there's a subject of music that requires
me to listen to a music, then notate it down..
maksodnye, aku kene denga lagu tuh, then tulis balik dalam bentuk notation nih!
peh sumpah kelas nih paling menyakitkan hati..
kalau mcm ak yg x gifted ngan telinga yg sangat tajam, mmg susah..

logically, bila dah xdengar(bukan pekak but to listen to certain exact pitch) ,
camne nk tulis kan??
nk tau subjek ape?? n ape yg ak kene blaja dalam kelas tuh??
mcm biasela, tunggu dow... =p
next episode will come soon!!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Music Matter : Episode 3

jam menunjukkan pukul 4:41 pagi..
ak terjaga dari tido sbb sengal2 satu badan.. huh.. penat betol semalam!
ak ngan kwn2 Team20 ak pegi mandi sungai congkak, konon2 release tension baru lpas midterm xm kan.. haha.. mmg release gile.. we all had so much fun, really i mean much2 fun..
xpenah ak hepi camni kat sungai congkak tuh.. haha..
papehal pon, thanx guys sbb menjayakan projek ini!! =p


okay sbelom nih ak da cite pasal kelas FORUM ngan PRINCIPAL INSTRUMENTS kan??
kalo xtau g usha episod2 yg lepas.. (*bajet!) haha..
okay kali ni ak nk cite pasal PRINCIPAL STUDY plak..

ok principal study ni adelah kelas ntok kitorang blaja principal instrument kitorang..
mcm ak, principal instrument ak ialah SNARE,
maka dalam klas ni la ak blaja camne nk main snare tuh! haaaaaa....

kelas die agak menyeramkan, sbb, die kelas individu..
one by one, face to face ngan lecturer kite..
kire macam private teacher la nih..
but its good to have a smaller class when it comes to ur principal study sbb nnt snang nk fokus..
kelas ni basic die stengah jam sorang student..

i have to admit that in half an hour, it isnt enough for a class..
so what my lecturer did was he put in a class of 3 students at a time..
so we got 1 n a half hour.. its better right??
so dlm klas tu la ak blaja snare yg susah cam haram tu! haha..

ape yg ak blaja??
ok generally(for every instrument), lecturer akan ajar daripada basic sbb xsemua org
yg masok diploma music nih dah ade proper basic..
contohnye kalo main violin, nnt diorang blaja la SCALES, INTONATION, BOWING n mcm2 lg..
kalo yg amek trumpet plak diorang kene la master BUZZING lips diorang..
mcm ak plak snare manade scale, so kirorang blaja la RUDIMENTS for snare drum..
mesti korg xbape paham kan??? apelagi, GOOGLE lah! haha..

dan yg paling penting, dalam klas ni lah kitorang akan blaja PIECE kitorang!!
piece?? hehe.. piece nih adelah lagu.. diorang xpanggil song!!
sbb yg sebenarbenarnya, definition of song dalam music is any music that has vocals
and lyrics, only then it will be called a song.. kalo just music jek,
ianya dipanggil COMPOSITION!
ni hah contoh bergambar PIECE yg dimaksodkan!

tiap2 sem, ak kene bawak 5 lagu.. 2 time midterm, 3 time final..
uhh.. pening.. sbb bende ni bukan boleh stdy last minit mcm spm..
bende ni kalo xpractice, mmg xkan dpt.. huh..

ok kalo amek spm, dah blaja2 ape sume penat2, last skali nnt akan amek paper exam spm kan??
so kalau principal instruments nih, cmne kitorang exam???

pasai ni lah dok timbul perkara yg dinamakan STUDIO EXAM!!
nape dipanggil studio exam? ntah.. ak pon xtau.. heee,,
studio exam is the exam conducted to evaluate our skills that we have learned in the principal classes.. it was held twice; midterm n final...

in this exam, student will be asked to play their given PIECE.. they also will be asked throughly of scales, rudiments or whatsoever basic needs for their instruments..
an then yg paling sakit is, there will be a SIGHT READ test!!

haha.. okay tadi kan ak gtau kitorang akan diberi 5 piece setiap sem, so maknenye kitorang dah dapat awal piece tuh, just tinggal nk practice jek sblom exam..
okay sight read bmaksod, kitorang kene bace satu-satu score tuh on the spot!!
read at sight!! haha! paham x?? xpaham??

okay, nnt lecturer tu akan bagi 1 unknown piece, then die suro kite bace dan main on the spot!!
dari situ lah die evaluate.. kalo sangkot2 tuh sikit jela markah dapat..
kalo xdapat main langsung tuh, kantoi la xreti baca score! haha..
p/s; score n piece is the same thing

hurm, bile pulak ak blaja bace score tuh?? ala yg korang slalu sebot tauge tuh.. haha
sape plak yg aja ak bace mende alah tauge2 tuh??
well... adela orang aja.. nk tau tggu lagi episod seterusnya! =p
ngantok nih, jam menunjukkan pukul 5:27 pagi! haha..
chow lah!