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Friday, March 11, 2011

Music Matter : Episode 6

1st thing first, i did once promised in my entry Music Matter : Episode 4 that ill upload
a video of performance during Forum Class..
so, here they are!!
here i manage to get 2 videos of my friends forum performance..
both was modern performance..

the first video is my friend Shammir on Clarinet..
its quite a big ensemble arranged by Shammir @ Goree himself..
but the sound is so balanced and full.. very entertaining!!

and the second video feat my friend Nazlee on Modern Guitar..
its only a four piece band..
but still the sound produced seems to be very "gigantic"..
thats the power of music arrangement..
click the link below to enjoy!

okay? dah tengok? enjoy? xenjoy? lantak lah.. haha..
now, back to bussiness!


in the last entry ive mentioned to talk about my
Malaysian Music class in this 6th episode of music matter..


secara amnya, kelas ni kelas yg mengajar tentang muzik2 daripada malaysia..
the original music from malaysia
music that is closely related to malaysian culture...

ok dalam kelas ni, setiap semester, kitorang akan blaja satu jenis @ genre muzik traditional..
sekarang ak dah semester 4.. maknenye dah 4 jenis muzik yg ak blaja..

Sem 1 ; Caklempong
Sem 2 ; Gamelan
Sem 3 ; Muzik Asli
Sem 4 ; Keroncong

since yg ak tengah blaja sekarang adelah keroncong, ak akan lebih fokus
bercerita pasal keroncong lah..
kelas ni boleh kata agak senang tapi memerlukan practice yang constant...

the class goes this way;

kelas punye period 2 jam.. dalam kelas, kitorang akan blaja cara2 nk main
instrumen tertentu mengikut genre tertentu..
contohnya dlm keroncong, instrumen yg diperlukan is basically
violin/flute/viola, cak&cuk, cello, double bass, guitar dan vocal..

so nanti kitorang akan dbahagikan kpd group2 @ band ntok exam purpose..
sambil ktorang blaja cara nk main instrumen2 tuh, kitorang akan blaja beberapa lagu ntok perform time exam nanti..
yup, exam die, kene perform!
macam forum gak, cuma yg ni die evaluate secara berkumpulan..
erm, jap2, ni hah ak nk share sket gamba2 yg ak amek mase klas traditional tadi...


# ni lah violin.. biasenye die main intro/outro melody pastuh fill2 sket mase tengah nyanyi.. kalo xde violin boleh ganti ngan viola or flute.. konsep sama jek..

Artis = Mohd Hazlie


# okay bende nih biasenye berkembar ngan satu lagi instrumen bernama 'CUK', tapi xsempat nk amek gamba la tadi.. cuk tu pon rupe die lebih kurang ngan cak jugak.. bende alah ni bperanan penting dalam tempo keroncong..


#double bass.. bende ni sebenarya lebih kurang dengan Electric Bass.. Tuning pon same.. cume takde fret, pastu teknik main pon lain.. biasenye bende ni dimainkan gune "BOW" ... ala, bende yg gesek2 macam kat violin tuh.. tapi dlm keroncong, just petik gune jari aje.. Gune jari pon boleh!! =p


# mende alah cello nih akan main something yg macam pelik2 tapi sedap.. ak pon xtau nk panggil ap.. bende ni pon lebih kurang macam double bass, ade BOW gak, tapi dalam keroncong, Guna Jari Pon Boleh Bha Kalau Kao!!

dah, stakat nih tu jek yg mampu ak capture.. instrumen lain (gitar &Vocal) dah biasa..
perhaps sume org da tau.. so mcm xperlu la nk post..
erm, and the last pic id like to share is the pic of us during the class..
gini lah kitorang semasa kelas!!

tapi ni just roughly la.. cool kan kelas kitorang?? hehe..
lain kali kalo ak rajin ak snap lagi pic ye?
i guess thats all for now..

aaaa?? korg nk dengar kitorang main keroncong ke??
i do have the video but i think ill upload it in the next episode..
wanna see?? check in again later!!

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