okeh.. kelmarin, famly kuh pegi ke umah maklong ak kat serdang.. saje dtg.. visiting relatives.. haha.. but then my cous, ejat offer to stay there 4 a nite.. he asked me to join em wif his new hobby.. haha.. he's on holiday, along wif his elder bro, abg mi.. erm, hobi yg agak weird, tp cool.. haha..
mereka skang giat mengumpul tin!! erm, ia di-consider pelik coz mereka adelah keluarga yg agak berada, then, kumpul tin.. hehe..klaka pon ade.. so ak pon join lah xtvt pepelik diorg tuh.. hurm.. dlm kol 10 kitorg gerak.. 2 moto.. ak nek ngan ejat, abg mi sorang.. sume pkai gloves (lab gloves, yg getah tuh) at 1st, ak mmg payah nk nmpk tin.. then ejat ckp, nmpk bkilat jek tin ah tuh.. lame2 ak da mule nmpk.. hehe.. dari serdang, kitorang round smpai kajang lah! jaoh tuh.. hehe.. mcm2 tin jumpe.. alcohol pon amek gak.. xpe, pkai gloves.. :) di-short kan cite, last skali kitorg stop kat satu tempat(not sure kat mane), tp diorg ckp tu la pot biase nk pijak2 tin n kire bape byk.. mlm tuh abg mi ckp paling byk stakat nih, dpt 82 tin.. heh.. ak bwk tuah lah kot.. :) so, last2 kitorang gi minom mamak dekat2 umah maklong ak tuh.. ak yg 1st tym folow nih teruja gile.. sonok plak naek moto mlm2, kumpul2 tin.. haha.. dlm kol 1 smpai lah umah.. ak tros g tdo coz umah bliau ade ekon.. ejat pon tdo, esok keje katenye.. hakhak.. so, papehal pon, ak hepi lah mlm tuh kan..
ni ha ade sket gamba.. hakhak..

2 moto yg dimaksodkan

tin2 yg dimaksodkan

ak yg dimaksodkan
erm, tu jek nk cite sbnanye. . oh,btw, im reactivating my band,
HOMEWORK (click lah kalo maw denga..) n im workin on my new song, maybe the last sblom sambong blaja.. oklah, dats all duh.. ;p
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