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Sunday, May 24, 2009

coolest thing to be done, never did thought of it.. :)

okeh.. kelmarin, famly kuh pegi ke umah maklong ak kat serdang.. saje dtg.. visiting relatives.. haha.. but then my cous, ejat offer to stay there 4 a nite.. he asked me to join em wif his new hobby.. haha.. he's on holiday, along wif his elder bro, abg mi.. erm, hobi yg agak weird, tp cool.. haha.. mereka skang giat mengumpul tin!! erm, ia di-consider pelik coz mereka adelah keluarga yg agak berada, then, kumpul tin.. hehe..klaka pon ade.. so ak pon join lah xtvt pepelik diorg tuh.. hurm.. dlm kol 10 kitorg gerak.. 2 moto.. ak nek ngan ejat, abg mi sorang.. sume pkai gloves (lab gloves, yg getah tuh) at 1st, ak mmg payah nk nmpk tin.. then ejat ckp, nmpk bkilat jek tin ah tuh.. lame2 ak da mule nmpk.. hehe.. dari serdang, kitorang round smpai kajang lah! jaoh tuh.. hehe.. mcm2 tin jumpe.. alcohol pon amek gak.. xpe, pkai gloves.. :) di-short kan cite, last skali kitorg stop kat satu tempat(not sure kat mane), tp diorg ckp tu la pot biase nk pijak2 tin n kire bape byk.. mlm tuh abg mi ckp paling byk stakat nih, dpt 82 tin.. heh.. ak bwk tuah lah kot.. :) so, last2 kitorang gi minom mamak dekat2 umah maklong ak tuh.. ak yg 1st tym folow nih teruja gile.. sonok plak naek moto mlm2, kumpul2 tin.. haha.. dlm kol 1 smpai lah umah.. ak tros g tdo coz umah bliau ade ekon.. ejat pon tdo, esok keje katenye.. hakhak.. so, papehal pon, ak hepi lah mlm tuh kan..

ni ha ade sket gamba.. hakhak..

2 moto yg dimaksodkan

tin2 yg dimaksodkan

ak yg dimaksodkan

erm, tu jek nk cite sbnanye. . oh,btw, im reactivating my band, HOMEWORK (click lah kalo maw denga..) n im workin on my new song, maybe the last sblom sambong blaja.. oklah, dats all duh.. ;p

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

congkak again!

tadi ak ke congkak lagi! huhu.. dlm bulan ni jek buleh kate sminggu 2 kali gak ah g mandi kat sg congkak tuh... kalo x ngan membe, ngan sdare ak.. but dis tym kan, special sket.. we got a guest! KHALID shabat lame kami follow lah tadi.. hehe.. long tym no c bliau act.. kami(ak, akip, faizal, polah, adha + khalid) plan nk gerak pagi.. but then kan, i got a text from farah gumuk, bliau suro anta borang mara kepade bliau secepat mungkin.. hehe.. so, ak agak kabut gak g siapkan borang tuh.. (including on9 ym kejap nk mintak address my aunt) mase on ym, teserempak lah pinaapeanut@juya.. sempat gak ajak bliau g congkak.. unfortunately plak, die tade keta.. xkan nk nek van ngan kitorg kan.. :) xpela, tade rezki.. then, mase nk g amek khalid, singgah umah farah nk anta borang tuh.. guess what! die xmandi lagi!! haha.. around 12.30 mase tuh.. xpe2, semoge bahagia lah fara.. :P so, stelah ak trim story nih, kitorang pon da nk balik stelah puas mandi2 kat sane.. khalid cool oh! mmg cool! i mean die mmg cepat gile cool.. haha.. 30 menet saje da gigil.. hakhak.. yg laen biase2 jek.. ;p otw back, ujan, kitorang lapa.. so, pegi la Nice seafood( opposes mamak aziz mlake) ntok mkn.. menu standard kami, NASI BUJANG.. :) nasi putih+telur dada+belacan+sup kosong.. huhu.. sedap dan murah! ideal ntok kami2 yg xberduet nih.. tp adha jek yg loaded sket kan, mkn nasi goreng.. die blanje kitorang fries plak tuh! haha.. cayalah.. n ak discover satu mende oh, makan fries dengan belacan sangat sedap lah!!
haha.. rase cam b/paper sauce jek.. hehe.. soo then kami pon balik lah.. sume happy dan enjoy.. oh yea, lupe nk ckp, afiq spatotnye join.. tp bliau ade hal.. hehe.. erm, finished my story dis tym.. wil hit d blog again soon.. daa~~

Sunday, May 17, 2009

unhappily separated

gosh its been a while since my last post.. idk.. lately im not interested to my com as usual.. so many things passin by n im losing each one of it without knowing the lost! cruel life isnt it? hurm.. in about a week, half of my friends will be goin to further their study.. n in bout a month all of us will b separated.. im too happy as well as too sad currently.. of course ill meet new buddies soon, but, its kind of complicated.. its hard to find friends.. i mean "friends".. ill be missin them so damn fuckin much for sure.. huh.. do u think its annoying?? i kept on posting entries regarding friends, showing them how much i appreciate to b their friends.. but i dont even know if i am one of them.. hurm.. idc.. all i know is i put friends 1st instead of myself, famly, lover or whatever! im thinking of producing new songs.. or maybe ill remake the 'Best Friends' song with a better audio.. n ill let u noe when its done.. thats all now.. ill be updating this blog once a week i guess.. huhu.. later dude! :)

Saturday, May 2, 2009


da lame xupdate blog nih.. almost sminggu gak r.. bkn sngaje aw! busy seminggu nk prepare ntok gathering.. hehe.. here was the timeline!

tercetusnya idea

kay, lately ak slalu lepak2 umah akip.. slalunye ptg or malam la.. kalo mlm, kitorg hangout kat mamak g minom.. kalo ptg, men bola lah kat umah bliau.. hehe.. one day, sedang ak hebat men bola kat umah bliau( act ak kaki bangku), sepakan ak tersasar jaoh gile dari gol(2 batang pokok) ke sebuah stove bbq.. tetibe ak ckp kat akip;
"akip, mende nih leh pkai lg x??"
"boleh, ngape??"
"jom wat bbq jom? ajakla dak2 nih.. kite ganti yg xjadi g umah pn nomala tuh.."
"ak no hal.. ko ckp jek bile.."
"tp sape nk perap mende2 tuh??"
"dun wori, ko ckp jek bile.. mak ak leh tlg.. tp kene set bebetol r.."
make since then, kitorang start ah plan.. antare yg terawal tau ialah polah n afiq.. akip n ak tetibe xcited owh nk wat mende nih.. it must succeed!!!

2 hari sebelum event

kitorang da infom da kat dak2 nih bout event tuh.. biasela, ade yg xkompem, ad yg xcited n kompem g.. pada mlmnye, kitorang dcide nk g kutip duet lah kan.. mule2 ak n akip jek.. pastuh rafiq pon folow kerane bliau telah diugut.. haha.. so, kitorg pon g ah umah diorg one by one.. mcm ceti dah owh.. hehe.. act, ak da ajak akip kuar awal.. tp xtaw r bliau ngape lambat.. asah pedang kot.. hehe.. dak laki xde prob, pompuan jek.. maklom la, diorg xleh kuar mlm.. tp demi kejayaan event tuh, kitorg gegar gak umah diorg walopon da lewat.. plg lmbat umah ecah r.. da nk dkat kol 11 mlm.. hehe.. act ak demam, pastuh g collect tuh naek moto lak.. mmg ak sejuk la kan.. tp xpe, berkorban!! hehe.. poyo jek ak.. haha.. last2, kitorg dpt gak collect dlm hundred above lah.. mmg xckup nk wat modal beli brang, but then akip kate leh gune duet bliau dulu,, so, cayalah!! hehe.. at d end of d nite, kitorang lepak minom kat mamak.. pastuh ak balik tros tido krane bdn yg suda seram sejuk.. huhu...

sehari sebelom event

ak terjagfe dr tido kol 11 lebey r.. then ak tros msg akip..
"oi, ak da bgon.. kol bape nk grak??"
"kol 12"
"kay.. nnt dtg umah ak"
thus ak tros bangon n mandi.. tatapi ketika sedang syok main sabun kan, fon ak bunyik.. afiq yg kol..
", ngape kol ak smalam??"
"oh, xde ape.. kitorg nk collect duet nk beli barang.. eh, ko nk ikot x?"
"kol bape? nk beli kat mane??"
"dlm kol doblas kang.. kite g tesco jek ah.. nk??"
"awal sket ah.. ak bosan ah dok umah.. nnt ko kol akip, suro die kol ak balik.."
"kay2.. no hal.. ko tggu.."
alhamdulillah.. tetibe ade transport.. act kalo afiq xikot, kitorang nk g naek moto jek.. pastuh xdela nk g tesco kan.. haha.. alhamdulilah.. ak kol la akip.. then diorang kate grak kol 11 stengah..
setibanya di tesco( otw tadi smpat amek adha! hehe) kitorang pon mule la shoppin.. antare aim kitorang ialah ayam, daging, sosej n kordial.. hehe.. dalam 2 jam gak kitorg shoppin.. stelah dpt ape yg kitorg nak, food court lah kami pegi!! hehe.. afiq blanje lg.. huhu.. ak sbnanye da sgan.. afiq slalu blanje, ak xpnah blanje die.. hurm.. xpe2, one day i will!! huhu.. so, balik tuh kitorang tros operate ayam2 tesebot..(1st tym ak basoh ayam oh..haha!) dlm kol 6 camtuh, sume pon balik la.. btw, daging xjd beli kat tesco.. so, kitorang beli kat A.A jek.. ok lah.. huhu.. daging tuh ak bwk blik.. operate kat umah ak.. huhu..

event day!!

ak bgon agak pgi lah.. today is goin to be a busy day loh!! hehe.. pagi2 lg famly ak da gerak balik kampong.. n yg pentingnye ialah, motor ditinggalkan! hehe.. so, mmg ak ad full right ntok lanjan moto ituh.. haha.. so, i start d day ngan menghantar daging ke rumah akip ntok diperap.. pastuh adela wat sket2 keje.. kemas2 venue sket.. plan kitorg ari ni, lpas smayang jumaat(dat day 1 mei, ari jumaat), tros dok umah akip.. settlekan pape yg patot.. huhu.. so, ak balik la.. mandi2, lpas smayang jumaat, ak tetido jap.. akip dtg umah ak, tp ak xseda.. sori ah akip.. hehe.. so, tym ak dtg umah akip, xbyk yg ak wat.. mostly dah ok.. tinggal arang jek nk kene idopkan.. yg laen2 adha n akip da settle kan tym ak tetido tuh.. sori la ea! maklomla, ak demam..hehe..kene rehat.. so then, afiq lak dtg.. rafiq pon dtg.. diorg tolong.. sempat gak kitorang men bole.. hehe.. seda x seda, tetibe da nk maghrib da.. so kitorg pon stat r bbq.. ayam dulu.. takot xsempat kan.. hehe..


bebetol lpas maghrib, habib dtg.. hehe.. die tros tolong bakar2.. so, kitorg yg da stay sejak ptg tadi pon g r solat dulu.. planning nk mndi.. but then xsempat.. so, lantak ah.. haha.. then, one by one guest dtg.. hehe.. kitorang sume xcited ah... xlame pastuh, sume da dtg xcept Faizal( unable to come 4 a reason) ngan Polah( kerja).. kitorg pon, da rmai2 tuh, hehe.. mmg hepi lah.. sume gelak2.. mcm tym dlm klas dulu.. isk2, rindu lah syial! huhu.. everythin goes as well as planned..
juz daging r.. ssh nk msk.. hehe.. xtaw ngape.. cian fara, die da la xmkn ayam.. huhu.. xpe2, nasi ade! haha.. sume org byk mkn! mende alah UPU pon sebok diketengahkan.. hehe.. rmai yg dpt.. from one side, kitorang sume bangge, happy.. sume bjaye kan.. mlanjotkan plajaran ke pringkat yg lebey tggi.. but from the other side, sume tuh la yg wat kitorg akan smakin ssh nk jumpe.. nk hangout same2.. well, cuti sem bukan same kan.. hurm.. so, tonite is the nite.. ntok kitorang happy2.. sblom ssh nk jmpe nnt... antare yg agak awal nk smbong blaja ialah atikah.. die nk g matrik 11 may nih.. hurm, gud luck ea adeq!! we all will pray 4 ya! so, mlm tuh mmg happening.. antare mlm yg terbaik pnah ak alami.. thanx lah kawan!! korang memang the best!!


then, dalam kol seblas camtuh, diorang pon stat beransur.. sblom tuh maseng2 sebok amek gamba.. hehe.. cool! nnt upload lah ye! ak nak!! with half of the guests gone, the nite isn't over yet.. hehe.. dak2 laki tido kat umah akip tros.. huhu.. best.. mcm2 la pkare yg leh wat kitorang gelak smpai pecah perot.. hakhak.. but there is no such thing as sword tournament ea!!(to juya).. hehe..
afiq org ptame tdo.. then polah, pastuh adha, rafiq n akip.. ak ngan habib xtdo lg.. lepak smpai kol 4 lebey.. hehe.. pastuh tym nk dkat kol 5, habib yg xleh tdo mule la memekak.. hehe.. sorg2 terjage.. last2 sume bangon.. haha.. tros tgu subuh n kitorang smayang bjemaah sesame.. alhamdulillah.. dlm enjoy, kitorang xlupe tanggungjawab.. so, pagi tuh, afiq, adha, habib pon balik.. sblm balik tuh, kitorang rmai2 nyanyi lagu same2.. mcm2 lagu lah.., tgl la ak, akip, rafiq n polah.. kitorang sambong tido balek.. hehe.. pastuh da tejage dlm kol 10 camtuh, polah da nak balek.. but then die ditahan dan dipakse menolong kemas2.. hehe.. so, xbyk pon nk kemas act.. coz pkai polisterin, buang jek ah.. hehe.. dlm kol seblas tuh, sume siap.. rafiq, polah balik dah.. ak last balik.. huhu.. otw ak nk blik tuh, atas moto, ak xputus2 ucap syukur pade Allah.. alhamdulillah.. ak dikurniakan kawan2 yang terbaik.. i'd die for them lah!!