done with emotions.
back to blog.
before i start with the tenth episode, id like to share something..
not about music but about me..
ak baru jek lepas lulus ujian JPJ moto..
kete nanti2 lah! susah!
ni hah result die.. kalo xnmpk pndai2 la nk zoom..
so lpas ni sape2 nk membonceng ak xde hal punyelah!! haha
The Tenth Episode!!
in this post, id like to share another subject that ive learn in music diploma..
kali ni bukan perform, bukan paper, its.....
so agak2 korg pon tau la teknologi kan.. mostly melibatkan komputer..
so secara ringkasnya music tech ni is a subject
that lets us explore the use of technology in music world..
actually subjek ni mase sem 3..
dah lepas tapi ak still apply sume yg ak blaja smpai skrg..
well, technology is quite important okay..
sebenanye, kebanyakan music yg kite denga kat radio tiap2 hari,
mostly gune software..(xcept band)
cuma vokal jek diorg record(still uses music software)
tapi music sume gune software..
korg leh denga sample kat sini..
lagu yg tajuk die "Confessions On A Night Call" tuh,
sume ak wat gune software kecuali voice ngan lead guitar..
and another song "TITAS" tu plak, drum die sume gune software..
gitar ak record(gune software yg same)..
so sebenanye byk gune software nih.. even ak xhabis xplore..
antara kegunaan utama ialah;
Sound Editing
recording can be professionally or home made..
professionally means with complete equipment by professional people..
home made, mcm ak lah..
limited resources, just gune ape yg ade dgn kreativiti sndiri..
stakat ni yg ak dah penah record gitar jelah..
easy and simple..
okay sound editing ni kalo xblaja music pon boleh gune..
just kene ad software yg betol lah..
btw, ni ak ade video sample..
time nih ak saje2 edit lagu Meet Uncle Hussein dgn lagu HafizAF..
ce try dengar..
ni saje2 jek.. mmg xsedap, ak saje nk tnjuk sample editing im capable of to do with this software..
mcm apetah jadiknye laggu tuh.. hehe..
mixing means mencampur! haha
generally, mixing ni ialah proses nk mix recorded audio..
contohnye, gita da record, drum da record, vokal da record,
so skarang tinggal nk gabungkan sume2 audio tu menjadi satu lagu yg sempurna..
tu jek..
dlm mixing ni byk proses sound editing yg terlibat..
nk cite mmg panjang, so nk tau lebih?
blaja la music!! hehe..
so i guess thats all for this post..
next week ill be back to shah alam to start a ne semester..
surely there will be more thing id learn,
and ill share everything here!
so, come again later ek...
chow.... =)