1st of all, maaf sebab dah hampir 3 minggu xupdate blog nih!
sangat-sangat sibuk tambahan pula laptop rosak..
dah tiga minggu jugak ak xbalik umah..
so, sebab mende2 gini lah ak xdpt nk update blog..
maaf ye!!
as a return, selama 3 minggu ak xupdate blog,
sedaya upaya mengumpul banyak bahan ntok ak share dalam blog nih!
senang cite the past 3 weeks somehow so many things happened,
and id like to share,
because thats all my blog had to do,
the first thing that id like to share is again, FORUM!
haha, mesti bosan kan sebab asyik pasal forum jek?
ok ni last, sebab video yg ak nk share nih special sikit..
dlm video nih ak yg perform! haha..
ni forum aku la kirenye.. i was playing drums if u guys cant see me in the video.. haha..
okay, dah, noob kan ak main??
haha, lantak lah.. yg penting lulus okay!!
The second thing which i guess were the main topic in this post is about
my CONDUCTING class..
okay this is something new for u guys aite?
okay now let me start..
CONDUCTING, korg tau x amende tuh?
ok kalo korg perasan, dalam orkestra ataupon group choir,
kan ade someone yg berdiri kat depan then die gerak2 tangan die..haha..
org tu dipanggil conductor.. xtau yg mane??
hadoiyai.. yang ni hah...
haaa,, nampak muke die?? tu la konduktor..
die yg pimpin orkestra tuh..
lecturer ak slalu ckp,
"an orchestra is an expression of its conductor..."
so basically objektif kelas conducting ni ialah ntok mengajar kitorang,
cara2 menjadi seorang conductor..
bukan sebarang movement yg conductor tu buat kat depan..
every gesture and posture will affect the sound produced by the orchestra..
sorry, dlm blog ni ak xdpt la nk ajar cmne nk conduct ataupon nk xplain satu2,
ap yg conductor tu buat,
itll be too complicated to be explained in a blog n for sure,
xde sape yg suke bace blog yg complicated... so ill make it simple lah..
okay setelah kitorang blaja care2 nk conduct sume,
hand signals, posture and whatsoever, kitorang kene get ready ntok xm..
the exam goes like this..
we were told to arrange or find a piece, that will be played
by a woodwind or string ensemble or sang by choir..
maknenye kitorang boleh pilih la, nk conduct grup koir, strings ataupun woodwind..
mcm ak, ak pilih strings sbb i guess senang nk cari player.. hehe
okay, ak pilih lagu SIMPLE PLAN, Untitled..
lagu tu senang nk conduct.. pastu ak arrange lah balik..
then ak cari player, sape yg nak main ntok exam ak nnt..
okay mesti korg bosan bace sbb tade gamba, so, nah,
a few picture during our practice..
okay? enjoyed the pictures??
so i guess thats all i can share about conducting..
malangnye, mase exam tu terlupa nk record, so, xdptla korg nk tgk ak exam..
xpela, yg mane ade jela ye??
okay thats all for now, dont forget to come back later okay!
ive got an interesting story to share..
last friday, i went to Johor Bharu,
to TEACH caklempong(traditional music)
to school students there..
wanna know which school?
wanna know what i thought them?
wanna know everythin??
come back later in the next episode okay??